What You Need To Be Wearing For Autumn 2016.

Leaves are starting to fall, we are all starting to over filter our pictures again, and Starbucks are selling their pumpkin spiced lattes… that means autumn has begun! With that starts a whole new wardrobe, so it’s time to get shopping, thrifting or what ever floats your boat. In my opinion a/w 2016 isn’t the time or totally new trends, this season it is all about re-inventing the classics and looking sophisticated whilst urban. My favourite season is definitely autumn, due to it giving me the excuse to break open my huge candle collection and over scenting my bedroom, Ooops. So without further a do, let’s get trend spotting shall we.

#1, Blazers.


I am head over heals in love with blazers, I think that they are such a chic way to elevate your outfit and it makes all the difference. They are so versatile, either professional or worn with a pair of mom jeans you can look like you rolled out of bed looked beautiful! In autumn it can be a little chilly (wow that was British) so layering is key and wearing a blazer can do this so effortlessly. Blazers are definitely statement pieces that everyone will be wowed by!

#2, Velvet


Personally I am not a fan of this trend, but I think if it is paired well it can look fantastic, like above. Velvet is absolutely everywhere, on shoes, jumpsuits, bags, hairbands, skirts, shirts, I could go on all day. It is by far the material of the season which everyone appears to be wearing, maybe due to the reason it is so soft and comfortable to wear. It is a rare find to find something that feels great and looks gorgeous!

#3, Ruffles


RUFFFFLLLEEES, as you could probably already tell ruffles are my favourite trend that will be making another appearance this autumn and I could not be more delighted by it. They are absolutely everywhere, they suit every curve on every body and are completely timeless. This trend can be manipulated to work with any style that suits the individual which I love as it means any one can follow the fashion world. If you haven’t already got a ruffle or two in your wardrobe what are you doing?! I think this ruffle dress from ASOS is fantastic as it would be a great transition piece due to the floral’s for summer and the red for autumn.

#4, Checks

Of course Chanel is known for it’s checks and sturdy material, but this trend is moving around and it is forecasted to be one of the most popular trends this season, especially in skirts. In my opinion checks remind me a bit of England in the past, so for those who enjoy a vintage style I think checks are absolutely perfect. Checks have been around for YEARS but this season they should be extremely perfect so if you are a trend follower (and there’s no problem with that) definitely keep your eyes peeled for them.

#5, Sports wear.

For those who are inspired by sports or those who just like to be comfortable, be excited as sports wear is going to become even bigger this season. Now I fall into the comfortable category so I am bursting with happiness as this trend allows me to look fashionable whilst popping down to my local Morrison’s for a box of eggs! That is my favourite type of trend. As seen above, the ones who are leading this trend are definitely the models, specifically Gigi and Kendall as this is what they can be seen wearing as they rush between shows and castings.

Will you be buying any of these trends? and if so which ones. Or will you be stepping away from the crowd and creating your own trends? Let me know down in the comments. Don’t forget to subscribe to see more! And if you would like to contact me click below.

From Fashion With Love xoxo

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