Top 5 Places to Visit in Brighton.


Hey! I’m sorry I have gone full on incognito, I’ve been swamped with revision. But I felt the urge to start typing again and what better than Brighton. Brighton is one of my favourite city’s, it is so different, the graffiti, the people, the shops, the sea! I LOVE BRIGHTON, and my favourite places to visit are…


1. Angels Cupcakery

This little café is my favourite place to eat in Brighton, all of the cakes are so delicious and cheap. The tiny place is within the lanes, so you have an excuse to go shopping, I always seem to get lost trying to find the gem, but half an hour later or so I’m there sipping on some earl grey and nibbling on a chocolate cupcake.



2. The old pier

With this one, you can’t actually go in it, because well it’s in the middle of the ocean. But it’s pretty to see. Unlike the other pier this one is from the Victorian era, ages ago there was a huge fire which burnt down everything except the metal frame work. It is still there to this day and is lovely to look at as you lye down on the back breaking beach (rocks).



3. The train station.

This one sounds really strange. To be fair it is. But Brighton train station is beautiful, a really old building with a lovely glass roof, definitely just stop and look around if you are hopping off a train. They also have a good tea station!


  1. The royal pavilion

The lovely old building is gorgeous! Built for queen Victoria’s son, this building has turned into an iconic attraction for the city. At Christmas I went ice skating here and in summer the gardens are perfect for a spot of sun bathing.


  1. The Lanes

I’ve saved the best til’ last, the lanes in my opinion, are what make Brighton, Brighton. There are so many little individual shops that you can just simply get lost in for hours on end. On the main lane there is a little shop full of vintage clothing which I love and the amount of dye tie just makes me feel all fuzzy and warm. Oh, but be careful not to be ripped off on the jewellery stalls.


So tell me if you are visiting Brighton anytime soon, if so you must visit these little gems. Lets start talking in the comments below!

From Fashion With Love xoxo


8 Replies to “Top 5 Places to Visit in Brighton.”

  1. Sounds amazing! I wanted to go a couple of years ago but unfortunately the whole area was flooded and my train didn’t leave London. Now I know what I’ll do when I finally visit! 🙂


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